Brazil Expertise
Brazil's complexity made easy, Business opening, development and restructuring.
Global practices adapted to Brazil.
Professionals highly skilled in critical operations
History of successful projects in Brazil and the Americas
Bridging the gaps for better services, high quality and faster results
Pollination of knowledge, holistic and integrated business vision.
Brazil's complexity made easy, Business opening, development and restructuring.
Global practices adapted to Brazil.
Value proposition, sales operations, yield, profitability, financial forecasting and cash flow.
Do it right from the outset or identify low hanging fruits before expanding, selling or a M&A.
Prepare for succession, coach, assess behaviors, organize virtual teams and learn how to learn.
Take care of your career.
Airlines, supply chain, pharma, healthcare & medical logistics, airlines, transportation, quality, productivity, customer experience.
Local and cloud infrastructure, data security, systems integration and Artificial Intelligence for computer, Web and mobile.
"You can't be wrong by doing right"
(Mark Twain, writer, 1835-1910)
When continuous evolution is constant, seeking the truth and what is right is paramount in a world that communicates quickly.
Implementing sustainable, environmental and best business practices, exhibiting respectful attitude in every interaction, is at the heart of everything we do.
"Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least".
(Goethe, writer, 1749-1832)
Diagnose, propose holistic solutions, committed to implement and get the results.
We blend knowledge that are relevant to your business.
Intelligite is a Latin word that means "knowledge".
Knowledge from professionals with a lot of practice and excellent performance in their fields of action. Intelligite is available to assist individuals, small, medium and large companies to improve their performance, expand, quickly recover from unfavorable scenarios, navigate safely and be successful when conducting international businesses or within Brazil.
To offer individuals, small, medium and large companies independent, dependable and straight forward consulting services. Our analysis and solutions are tailored to each client size and need.
Professionals with a lot of practice in their specialties, who have climed the ladder from frontline up to executive positions.
The team brings a broad understanding of the industry and is committed to provide meaningful recommendations to each client.
- Analysis, diagnosis and advice;
- Design of solutions to achieve maximum results with the least possible amount of resources;
- Implementation of solutions, leadership coaching and professional education.
Yes. Our time is committed to the outcome of your recommendations and solutions.
Yes. We have strong educational expertise, we can map your education needs and develop tailored leadership / technical training programs.
Yes, individuals or large groups are important to us.
We analyze each situation before sharing our experience.
When contracting Intelligite, you can authorize your coach to take your case to our internal panel, opening the possibility of a multiple perspective and even more enriching feedback.
Services can be contracted by variable hours or closed package. The work can be done in loco or online.
Although Intelligite is a young company, our team is composed of professionals with 20 to 30 years of experience in the market.
Throughout the journey, we have learned that results must be achieved in a simple, quick and long-lasting way.
We simplify complex things by adapting global best practices to the culture, size and reality of our client and Brazil.